
Merriam-Webster Wholesale Offers

Merriam-Webster is an American publishing company based in Springfield, Massachusetts. It produces dictionaries, thesauruses, reference books and language-related products. The company was founded in 1831 by George and Charles Merriam as G & C Merriam Co., which published its first dictionary, An American Dictionary of the English Language, in 1847. This dictionary became widely known as Webster’s Dictionary when Noah Webster bought the rights to the title from G & C Merriam Co.

Today, Merriam-Webster publishes dictionaries for general use as well as specialized publications such as legal and medical dictionaries. The company also produces a range of language software including electronic versions of their print dictionaries and other reference tools such as crossword puzzle solvers and word games. They also offer an online subscription service that provides access to a wide range of resources including definitions, synonyms, pronunciation guides, encyclopedias and more.