
Mars Drinks Wholesale Offers

Mars Drinks is an international leader in specialty coffee and hot beverage solutions and the maker of FLAVIA® single-serve beverages. The company, which was founded in 1982, provides office workers with a range of hot drinks that include delicious coffees, teas, flavored cappuccinos, mochas, hot chocolate, as well as cold refreshments such as iced tea and fruit-flavored sparkling drinks. Mars Drinks is part of the Mars family of companies which also includes M&M's®, Snickers®, and Pedigree®.

The company strives to create products that are both flavorful and convenient for busy professionals on the go. All FLAVIA single serve brewers feature a unique Freshpack™ technology that locks in flavor and freshness for up to seven days without refrigeration or preservatives. All their coffee ingredients come from sustainably farmed sources around the world including Rainforest Alliance Certified farms as well as organic certified beans. They offer a wide variety of flavors to choose from including classics like French Roast or Hazelnut Crème, to exotic blends like Orange Spice Chai or Pumpkin Spice Latte.

Mars Drinks also offers a selection of accessories such as Flavorstation™ flavorings designed to enhance any cup of coffee. Additionally they have several healthy options available such as their low calorie Frappe Freeze drinks that contain no added sugar or artificial sweeteners but still deliver great taste without all the calories! With so many delicious options available it’s easy to see why Mars Drinks continues to be one of the top names in specialty coffees around the world!