
illy Wholesale Offers

illy is a family-owned Italian coffee company founded by Francesco Illy in 1933. The company is based in Trieste, Italy and produces a variety of espresso and coffee products, including ground beans, whole beans, capsules, and iperEspresso capsules. illy has become one of the most recognized names in specialty coffee worldwide and has won numerous awards for its unique blend of nine Arabica coffees from around the world.

Illy's signature blend is created using nine different types of Arabica beans sourced from locations such as Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, India, Honduras, Mexico and Ethiopia. These coffees are blended together to produce an intense flavor that is smooth on the palate with notes of chocolate and caramelized sugar. In addition to offering traditional espresso drinks like cappuccinos and lattes made with illy's signature blend, the company also offers more creative variations such as mochas or macchiatos.

As part of their commitment to quality control throughout their production process, illy only uses sustainably grown Arabica beans that have been certified by UTZ – an organization dedicated to improving environmental standards for growers. This certification ensures that all farmers involved in the growing process adhere to strict standards regarding crop management techniques such as water conservation methods and soil health maintenance practices.

In addition to creating high-quality coffee products for individual consumption at home or work settings, illy also works with many restaurants across the globe who use their premium blends when crafting espresso beverages for customers. Additionally they have partnered up with various universities over time providing educational opportunities through scholarships related to science technology engineering art mathematics (STEAM).