
Fiskars Wholesale Offers

Fiskars is a Finnish company founded in 1649 that specializes in the manufacture of consumer products such as scissors, kitchen tools and gardening tools. Their products are known for their quality and durability, making them a popular choice for home use and professional use alike. The company is also well-known for its iconic orange-handled scissors, which have been used by generations of craftspeople since 1967. Fiskars has also expanded its product range to include items such as cutting boards, food preparation tools, and even kitchen appliances. In addition to its consumer goods offerings, the company also produces industrial equipment such as saws and blades.

In recent years Fiskars has become increasingly involved with sustainability initiatives such as reducing their environmental footprint through energy efficiency measures and recycled packaging materials. They have also developed a line of products made from renewable or recycled materials with the aim of protecting natural resources while providing consumers with durable and affordable options.

Overall, Fiskars is an innovative leader in the manufacturing industry that offers high-quality products at competitive prices while also supporting sustainable practices both within their own operations and throughout their supply chain.