
Equal Wholesale Offers

Equal is a leading manufacturer of sugar substitutes, artificial sweeteners and dietary supplements. The company was founded in 1981 by Michael McNeil, an entrepreneur and scientist who developed the first artificial sweetener to be approved for use in the United States. Today, Equal produces more than 30 different products that are sold around the world.

Equal's main mission is to provide natural, safe and effective alternatives to sugar-based products with no compromise in taste or texture. Their products are made from 100% natural ingredients and their production processes have been designed to ensure quality, safety and efficacy. All of their products are free from preservatives, coloring agents or any other artificial additives.

Equal has grown over the years into a major player in the food industry and its products can be found in grocery stores, restaurants and other retail outlets worldwide. They also offer a range of online services such as personalized nutrition advice, recipes and meal plans. In addition, they strive to educate consumers on healthy eating habits through their website and social media channels. With their wide variety of product offerings, Equal is committed to helping people make healthier lifestyle choices without compromising taste or convenience.