
DEC Wholesale Offers

DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) was a pioneering American company in the computer industry. Founded by Ken Olson and Harlan Anderson in 1957, DEC was one of the first companies to develop minicomputers, which were smaller than mainframe computers but still more powerful than personal computers. DEC's PDP line of minicomputers became popular with businesses, government agencies, and universities during the 1960s and 1970s. The company also developed some of the earliest networking technology for connecting computers together over telephone lines. In addition to hardware development, DEC was also heavily involved in software development for its own machines as well as other vendors’ systems. However, despite their early lead in computing technology, DEC struggled to compete against IBM’s more advanced mainframes and cheaper personal computers from companies such as Apple and IBM. The company eventually went bankrupt in 1998 after being bought out by Compaq Computers.