
Chicago Lighthouse Wholesale Offers

Chicago Lighthouse is a non-profit organization that has been providing employment, healthcare, and educational services to the blind and visually impaired community since 1906. The organization's mission is to provide individuals with vision impairments the opportunities for independence and self-sufficiency. It offers a wide range of services such as visual rehabilitation, vocational training, job placement assistance, independent living skills training, assistive technology resources, financial planning assistance and more.

The company manufactures products designed specifically for people with vision impairments such as adaptive lighting systems, magnifiers and reading devices; low vision aids; writing tools; computer access products; Braille supplies; recreational items; and many other useful items. Additionally they offer custom fabrication services in order to create specialized products that meet the specific needs of their customers.

In addition to its manufacturing activities, Chicago Lighthouse also operates an on-site optical clinic which provides low cost eye exams and eyeglasses to people with limited incomes or who have no insurance coverage. They also host workshops throughout the year on topics related to blindness prevention as well as providing education programs for children with vision impairments.

Through its commitment to helping those affected by vision loss achieve greater freedom and independence in life, Chicago Lighthouse has become one of the leading providers of products and services for this population around the world.