
Amodex Wholesale Offers

Amodex is a manufacturer of stain removers and cleaners. Founded in 1984 by three brothers, the company has been creating effective cleaning solutions ever since. Known for their natural ingredients, Amodex products are free from harsh chemicals and fragrances that can irritate skin or aggravate allergies. Amodex offers an array of products designed to remove tough stains like ink, oil-based paint, grease, blood and more. Their non-toxic formula makes it safe to use on fabrics and other surfaces without damaging them or causing discoloration. The variety of products available from Amodex includes laundry pretreaters, spot cleaners, upholstery cleaners, clothing protectors and more. All their items come with detailed instructions for proper use as well as tips to help prevent future stains. With over 30 years in the business, Amodex has built a reputation for quality cleaning solutions that work quickly yet gently enough to keep your materials looking great for years to come.