
5-hour ENERGY Wholesale Offers

5-hour ENERGY is a dietary supplement brand owned by the company Living Essentials. It was founded in 2004 in Howell, Michigan and since then has become one of the most popular energy supplement brands on the market. Their products come in a variety of flavors and sizes, including original, extra-strength, decaffeinated, shots with B6 & B12 vitamins, as well as “5-hour TEA” beverages. All of their products are designed to provide users with an immediate boost of energy without the crash that can be associated with other energy drinks or stimulants. They also contain zero calories and no sugar or herbal stimulants like guarana or caffeine. The product is recommended for those looking for a quick boost throughout the day without having to rely on sugary sodas or coffee drinks. 5-hour ENERGY is available in many stores across North America and online retailers such as Amazon.